Girlracer™ launches new fully interactive website

Girlracer™ launches new fully interactive website after celebrating 1 million unique hits

Girlracer™ have today launched a new fully interactive web news and promotion site for women involved in the sporting and motoring world.

After recieving 1 million unique hits in 2008, Girlracer™ now provides an interactive news site, updated daily,for women who are involved in all extreme sports. The site not only provides daily news feeds, at you can find lifestyle news, blogs, competitions and profiles of your favorite female atheletes.

Additionally, Girlracer ™ is currently positioning itself as a lifestyle brand, and the site provides a fresh new range of leisure wear, racewear and motoring accessories for conscientious, active women who have a passion for life and adventure.

Conceived in 2000, Girlracer™ has grown from an online forum for female motoring enthusiasts, to an internationally acclaimed online resource and promoter of females of all ages, entering and pursuing a career in extreme sport, with an emphasis on motor sport. Girlracer ™ is instrumental in providing the public with live news and updates from the world of motorsport, motoring and extreme sports.

As part of the companys quest to promote professional female racers, it is proud to sponsor many female racers including Powerboat Champions and downhill skiing medallists but it is the motor racing competitors that benefit the most from Girlracer™ with many international female racing drivers now associated with the company.

Jayne Snipe is a Ford Fiesta Driver in the Ford Racing UK championship series. On her involvement with Girlracer ™, Jayne admits, “It is crucial for young females entering motorsport or equally those already established, to be part of such an exciting, dynamic and unique company. Not only does Girlracer ™ provide you the publicity and advice needed to excel in your chosen sport, but it undoubtedly gives you credibility as a driver and a certain pride to be an active part of female motorsport.

If it’s active, it’s Girlracer™

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