How do you find out your uber rating

CarAs a current driver for Uber, you may have had some bad experiences. You could feel as though you might have given the last customer a less than stellar experience.

The key here is to know the answer to the question “how do you find out your uber rating“. Once you know your Uber rating you know what potential fares are seeing. The only way to change your rating is through receiving consistent good ratings. However, is still good to know where you stand in the local Uber driver rankings. 

Step one is to Open the Uber Application on your mobile device. Find the three horizontal line in the top left corner. Selecting this icon will open a Dropdown Menu. Click on Help from the dropdown then select Account and Payment. From here select Account Settings and Reviews. In this section, you will find several helpful articles on how to use Uber. You can also find a listing of Uber’s frequently asked Questions here. But, to find out your current driver rating click on I’d like to know my rating. There will be a popup and you should hit the Submit button. After a few seconds (depending on your current internet connection speed) you will see your rating.

Your Uber rating is out of five stars. If you have not been getting as many fares recently this is a great place to look. A fair share of drivers fall into some bad ratings. This can and will affect your potential riders ultimate decision whether or not they should hire you as theirdriver or to pass and go onto the next available in the area. If you have a bad score this does not mean that your Uber career is over. Uber offers articles on Improving Driver etiquette in this same app. As stated earlier, the way to fix your score is through giving your rider’s the best possible experience. I have outlined a few tips below.

This first tip might seem to be a matter of common sense. One of the biggest concerns is timeliness. Make sure you enter your destination before you leave with your fare. If you dropped your Pin a couple streets over on accident your fare will not be happy with the wrong location.

The next tip is proper planning. Do not pile people into your car just to make a fare work for you. Make sure you follow the simple formula of never try to fit more riders in your car then you have seatbelts for. Not only is this uncomfortable but in some jurisdictions illegal.

The third and final tip is the most important. Remember while your fare is in your care this is not your car but your place of business. Do not smoke in your car while you have a fare. On this same note do not eat while behind the wheel. Not only is this unprofessional but this can make other uncomfortable. And lastly please put your cell phone down. Not only is this rude but this is also a hazard and illegal while operating a motor vehicle.

So now you should know how you find out your uber rating and how to take charge of your Uber career with three easy tips.

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