With the New Year, Mazda Australia is bringing in a whole raft of new models, almost across their entire range.
The upgraded series has lead to increased discounting on the 2018 plated stock with better deals than ever before according to industry pricing website www.pricemycar.com.au
In fact, a snapshot of recent deals on Price My Car shows some great savings for Australian Mazda car buyers. For example:
Mazda CX5 GT
Driveaway: $43,696
Saving: $4,672 or 9.66%
Mazda CX9 Azami
Driveaway: $65,116
Saving: $5,984 or 8.42%
Mazda 2 Maxx
Driveaway: $18,971
Saving: $2,219 or 10.47%
However, despite the strong discounting, buyers are urged to consider other factors that may influence decisions. For example, how long are you keeping the car? If you plan to change it over in 3 or 4 years, the initial saving may all but evaporate in the resale value. So the $$$ savings may not compensate for the fact that you’re driving an old model pretty much from day 1. On the flip side, if you’re planning on keeping the car for 10+ years, then the depreciation of each model will tend towards a similar value allowing you to effectively ‘bank’ the savings.
If trading in an existing car, take care to ensure you get the best possible wholesale price. Your car may be considered ‘a year older’ than this times just a couple of weeks ago but really should a calendar date really make sure a difference or is that the car dealer trying to pull a fast one? Finance is another aspect to consider – with the Royal Commission into financial services all but completed, it’s a lot safer than it used to be but it still pays to be forewarned and forearmed. No good if all those purchase savings are overshadowed by a less-than-competitive finance package.
As usual, January will be one of the peak buying times with the next major splurge to be the end of the financial year prior to June 30. Rule of thumb is for private buyers/consumers to get in now and for business/fleet purchases to wait until the EOFS sales.
Again, before you rush in to make that purchase, PriceMyCar has info on Mazda resale values as does the Mazda Australia main website. Car sales are also a good bet to see what used Mazdas are selling for and may also show the variances in different states. PMC has trends and changes in prices (what models are going up in price and which are going down) to give you an idea of whether you’re likely to get a better deal now or if you wait.
In general 2019 is looking exciting for Aussie car buyers. A record number of new models and facelifts are due across all brands throughout the year. With 42 different car manufacturer’s battling it out in Aus (a startling amount for a country of just 25 m buyers… just shows how strong the economy is that car makers deem it worth an entry into the market), new car buyers will be yet again spoiled for choice as long as they do their homework, don’t get attached or emotional or even employ a professional car broker like Private Fleet.