Are my number plates legal?


BentaygaWhether it is a car, a motorcycle or a tractor, people fall in love with their vehicles and it is not hard to see why.



They do a lot for us, trawling us around the country, or countries, and though some have hiccups along the way, on the whole they are great servants. This is why many of us like to look after our vehicles to the highest degree and give back to them some of what they give to us. Keeping it ultra-clean, adding a new exhaust or showing them off at car shows, they can become a hobby too.

One thing that grows more popular year on year is the sale of number plates. In the most obvious sense people buy private registrations. These can be a great investment as historically they have been known to grow in value over the years, but they can also add an executive element to your motor, rather than the standard age identifier that comes with it when you first purchase.

Another way you can purchase number plates is through a registered number plates supplier like Number1Plates They give you hundreds of possible specifications that you can create online using their plate builder. All of the options on this website in particular are fully road legal and manufactured to British Standards, this is the legislation that ensures number plates are made using certain materials and that characters appear the same as all other plates on UK roads.

The legalities surrounding number plates can be quite extensive, but they are essential if you are wanting to avoid getting a heavy fine for not complying. Here are some of the small details that they enforce:

• characters must be 79mm tall
characters (except the number 1 or letter I) must be

• 50mm wide
the character stroke (the thickness of the black print)

• must be 14mm
the space between characters must be 11mm
the space between the age identifier and the random

• letters must be 33mm
the margins at the top, bottom and side of the plate

• must be 11mm

• vertical space between the age identifier and the

• random letters must be 19mm.


The number plates on your vehicle must:
• be made from a reflective material
• display black characters on a white background (front plate)
• display black characters on a yellow background (rear plate)
• not have a background pattern

Characters on a number plate can be 3D

Once these details have been ticked off, you can select from a multitude of styles and shapes that we fit your vehicle perfectly. This means that you can legally purchase shorter number plates if your registration is not a full 7 character one, and 3D gel domed characters are also a great road legal addition for your car!

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