In the UK, the police have a reasonably generous allowance for drivers who are found to be over the speed limit.
Generally it’s 10% over the limit plus an additional 2mph for margin for error. So, for example, if you’re in a 30mph zone you can expect not to be prosecuted unless the alleged speed is 35mph or above.
If the speed alleged is no more than 10 % + 9mph above the speed limit a speed awareness course will be made available to you as an alternative to points if you have no attended one in three years immediately preceding the offence.
Remember, speed limits are there for a reason – to keep you, other drivers and pedestrians safe on and around the roads – and there’s no real excuse for breaking these limits.
Anyone can make a mistake
If you have been caught at a speed significantly over the limit, however, you will face some sort of penalty. Depending on your speed, the time of day and your previous record, you may be looking at three to six points on your licence. These points, under the totting up system, may add up to 12 points which can mean disqualification and maybe a fine.
Losing your licence is a disaster – it may mean losing your job, your ability to live your life as you would normally and your ability to travel. It can also ruin your reputation among friends, family and colleagues. It’s a situation that needs handling very carefully and you can’t do it alone.
Lawyer up
Before you do anything else, find a strong team of lawyers. Motoring offence solicitors Kenway Miller have a good track record of helping drivers to retain their driving licences.
Fill in the gaps
If you face the possibility of losing your licence under totting up the Court does have the power to disqualify you if it finds the hardship caused would be exceptional to you and those that rely on you. It’s important therefore that the impact of a disqualification can be demonstrated and that there is no alternative other than being able to drive in order to fulfil your responsibilities to others. Courts will often ask whether public transport could be used or if your employers would be able to accommodate you if you were to lose your licence. It’s important to be prepared for these questions and have the necessary documentary evidence to hand.