Some of us just love getting that little bit of extra performance out of our cars. Whether it’s a higher top speed, better torque, or better acceleration, increasing your car’s performance can make it a far more enjoyable ride and give you goose bumps in the process.
As long as all tuning means you stay within the law, it’s fair game. Here you can see a few ways of squeezing some more performance out of your vehicle.
Get Better Tyres
It really is an easy one, and can be done without even lifting the bonnet. Good tyres mean good grip. The better the tyre can grip the road the faster it can pull the car along. There is a reason the pro racers put so much emphasis on finding the right tyre for their cars. The benefit of a better tyre also means they’ll last longer, limiting your tips to the local mechanic. Yes, they cost more money but are an investment in performance. You can even get them pumped with nitrogen for that added quality.
Get Your Engine Mapped
These days all cars have CPU’s which control exactly how your car revs and what power goes where. If you take your car to a licensed garage, they can plug it into a tuner and optimize your car for maximum efficiency. Once your car has been mapped you can even add a superchip, which can allow up to 20% in power gains. If you would prefer to do it yourself, there are even plug in options which you can try. The bluefin is a great way of increasing your car’s performance by simply adding a different map and requires limited mechanical experience to get it done. Engine mapping can even be beneficial with luxury cars like the Alfa Romeo.
Swap Out Your Spark Plugs
Spark plugs ignite the mixture of air and fuel in your car by sparking with electricity, they also ensure your car runs smooth. If you notice some misfiring or shaky juddering then it may be time to swap them out. They can help your systems run smoothly and ensure your car reaches it’s potential. There’s no point improving various systems and spending lots of money on it when its performance is stifled by plugs.
Use Better Petrol And Oil
It’s all too easy to fill up on the cheap stuff. Cheap petrol doesn’t burn so good. It can lead to misfiring and stodgy performance. Also, bad petrol can clog up your fuel filter, leading to slower fuel distribution throughout your systems. The right oil can also increase your horsepower, try synthetic oil, and top it up regularly for the best performance. Good oil means your engine and piston systems stay lubricated and work exactly as they should.
Replace The Air Filter
More air to the engine means more power. A car usually comes with a paper air filter which does the job of keeping the engine clean but unfortunately stifles it too. You can swap this out for a better filter which allows more air into the engine whilst still protecting it from contaminants.