Electric cars – Myths vs Reality

Nissan LEAF

Nissan LEAFElectric vehicles remain the cars of the future for the majority of buyers. However, with a slew of new battery-powered rides set to hit the market in the next few years, the potential is sooner than many people think.

The days are not far when sports cars used in racing will even be electric-based, and you can do online sports betting on electric sports car races.
Those who aren’t well-versed on the benefits of plug-in automobiles are likely to have outdated and erroneous impressions of this vehicle type. Here are some typical myths about electric automobiles that we have tried to debunk.

Myth: EVs are slow
In reality, EVs are faster than their gasoline-powered equivalents. This is because an electric motor produces all of its potential torque at the same time. The shift from motionless to speed in an EV is nearly immediate when the driver presses the accelerator. When driven in its so-called “ludicrous” mode, the Tesla Model S top model is among the world’s fastest production vehicles at any budget, with a 0-60 mph speed of under 2.5 seconds.

Myth: Energy conversion loss in EVs is more
In a normal automobile, chemical energy is conserved as gasoline instead of an internal combustion engine. Chemical energy is converted to thermal by combustion. The heat energy is converted into mechanical work by pistons, which rotates the wheels. At best, the conversion method is 35% efficient. Heat loses the bulk of the energy contained in gasoline. But in an electric vehicle, lithium-ion batteries are used because of their high energy density. Electrical energy conversion from chemical energy is more than 90% efficient. An EV’s overall efficiency is about 3 times better than a combustion engine powered car, its driving efficiency is only around 80% of that of an ICE vehicle.The efficiency of our system will dramatically improve when utility firms develop more efficient power plants and integrate more renewables into our grid. As a result, average vehicle efficiency rises to heights that internal combustion technology has never seen before.

Myth: EVS produce the same amount of pollutants
By switching to an electric car, the quantity of pollution produced by energy generation will remain the same. As per a series of researches that looked at carbon dioxide emissions from well to wheels, an electric automobile emits much less CO2 from electricity than a regular vehicle with an inner combustion engine running on oil.
Even if the energy supply is primarily coal, PHEVs, as shown in a 2007 study by the American group EPRI, will cut greenhouse gases as well as other pollutants.

Myth: Before people would accept EVs, charging infrastructure must be established
The infrastructure for charging is already in place. To charge your EV, all you need is an electrical outlet at home. Because most charging will take place at home, a public charging facility is not required. Still, a strong infrastructure will be beneficial, particularly for apartment residents and people who travel great distances frequently.

Myth: Maintaining and repairing Evs is expensive
EVs are less expensive to maintain than ICE-powered vehicles. EVs don’t need oil replacements or tune-ups daily, plus there are significantly fewer moving parts that will ultimately fail and need to be replaced. Spark plugs, gasoline reservoirs, valves, muffler/tailpipe, starter, distributor, clutch, a catalytic converter, hoses, and drive belts are all absent from electric vehicles.

Myth: Power grid cannot handle the quantity of Evs running
As per a Navigant Research analysis, countries like the US can introduce millions of electric automobiles to the present power grid without needing to build additional power plants. Much of this is because most electric vehicles are charged at nighttime during off-peak hours, while power consumption is at its lowest.

Myth: EV batteries do not last long and end up in a landfill
According to published estimates, after 120,000 miles on the road, Nissan Leaf taxicab models preserved 75% of their battery capacity. After 200,000 miles, a Tesla owner is reported to be able to keep 90% of his or her car’s battery life. Like 99% of the batteries found in traditional automobiles, EV batteries can be recycled after they are exhausted. Utilised EV power cells, for example, may be segmented and their more valuable materials are repurposed or utilised to conserve renewable energy.

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